Donald MacPherson

Chair, Bridges Group, SCOTS, Aberdeenshire Council

Donald MacPherson is Bridges Manager for the Bridges Section of Aberdeenshire Council, where he has worked for 34 years. As well as chair of SCOTS Bridges Group, he is a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Structural Engineers.

My Speaker Sessions

Wednesday 27 November 2024


Bridges Ten/20

15:45 - 16:15

The TEN/20 (aka Pecha Kucha) is a stand-alone session comprising mini presentations delivered at a blistering pace by exhibitors and delegates from local authorities and academia.

Presentations are vetted by the organisers of Bridges Scotland in partnership with the Bridges Group of the Scottish Collaboration of Transportation Specialists (SCOTS).

To suggest a presentation subject, email Jose Sanchez on